Course name: Stratégies d’apprentissage pour réussir à l’école secondaire Course code: (GLS1O)

Grade: 9
Type: Open
Language of Study: French
Prerequisites: None
Course description: Want to improve your learning and achievement in school, the workplace, and the community? Take this course to develop critical literacy, numeracy, personal management, and teamwork skills needed for success. Preview Course
Interested in taking this course?
  • If you are a student already enrolled in an Ontario High School, please contact your school about taking courses with TVO ILC.
  • If your goal is to earn a high school diploma or if you are a homeschool student, an academic assessment of your application must be done before choosing courses, please visit Apply Now to start your application.
Regular price
CAD $40.00
Sale price
Unit price
Admin Fee

Course fees are partially subsidized for most Ontario residents. The administrative fee covers the cost for us to process your application.
Grade: 9
Type: Open
Language of Study: French
Prerequisites: None
Course description: Want to improve your learning and achievement in school, the workplace, and the community? Take this course to develop critical literacy, numeracy, personal management, and teamwork skills needed for success. Preview Course

Course fees are partially subsidized for most Ontario residents. The administrative fee covers the cost for us to process your application.

Interested in taking this course?
  • If you are a student already enrolled in an Ontario High School, please contact your school about taking courses with TVO ILC.
  • If your goal is to earn a high school diploma or if you are a homeschool student, an academic assessment of your application must be done before choosing courses, please visit Apply Now to start your application.

Course Overview

Ce cours explore une gamme de stratégies d’apprentissage susceptibles d’aider l’élève à devenir une apprenante ou un apprenant autonome et indépendant. L’élève s’applique à développer et à utiliser ses habiletés en littératie et en numératie, ses habiletés interpersonnelles et sa capacité de travailler en équipe ainsi que ses habiletés organisationnelles et ses habitudes de travail afin d’améliorer la qualité de son apprentissage à l’école, au travail et dans la communauté. Elle ou il apprend à évaluer ses forces, ses compétences et ses habiletés afin de préparer son plan d’études au secondaire. Le cours aide l’élève à rehausser sa confiance en soi et sa motivation dans la poursuite d’occasions de succès à l’école secondaire et au-delà.

Course Preview

Course Syllabus

1.1   Leçon 1

1.2   Leçon 2

1.3   Leçon 3

1.4   Leçon 4

1.5   Leçon 5

2.6   Leçon 6

2.7   Leçon 7

2.8   Leçon 8

2.9   Leçon 9

2.10   Leçon 10

3.11   Leçon 11

3.12   Leçon 12

3.13   Leçon 13

3.14   Leçon 14

3.15   Leçon 15

4.16   Leçon 16

4.17   Leçon 17

4.18   Leçon 18

4.19   Leçon 19

4.20   Leçon 20

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